Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lambs Ears

Lambs ears are such odd looking plants in general, but when they bloom,
they just look like aliens...
I am linking this with Nature Footstep Blo-Ma.


EG CameraGirl said...

I love this plant's fuzzy leaves. The colour of the blossoms is a nice contrast to the grey too.

Debbie said...

hehe, yes but beautiful also!! i love a good image that catches all those hairs!!

MitchyLR said...

Hi Judy!! Cool shots of this odd-looking plant!! Love the fuzziness of it.

Debby Van Enkenvoort said...

Awww, cute name and such a beautiful plant. Wonderful photos!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Lovely pictures - here we call them rabbits' ears.

Annemor said...

I've not seen this before.
Fun :)
Have anice day.


NatureFootstep said...

yes, they are really odd. But looks very soft. Nice catch.

Unknown said...

Lovely! The leaves feel very soft. I didn't know the name though.

B i r g i t t a said...

Beautiful flower and color :)



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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.