Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Aliums at Algonquin College

I have no idea what sorts of aliums these may be,

but there are a lot of them.

They are at different stages of blossoming, and come in so many colours.

But this is my favourite shot, with the water and the lady's mantle in the background.


Roses and Lilacs said...

Judy, those are lovely. I like the last one too, but the blue and the large pink are sure pretty. I'm trying to add a few more to my gardens each year. They don't take up much room.

Huzhar said...

Such a beautiful flowers, great shots. Thanks for sharing..

George said...

I also like that last photo, but they are all gorgeous. You captured quite a variety of aliums.

Wynnie said...

They're all lovely. I can't decide if I like the blue or the purple better. Awesome colours, all of them


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.