Thursday, July 16, 2009

Morning Glories

These heavenly blue morning glories were at the garden centre, hoping for a garden.


SandyCarlson said...

I love that second shot. I want to dive in and enter a new universe.

EcoRover said...

Wow, I had a great time perusing your exotic (and common) plant pics. I do a lot of hiking and shoot wildflowers, and get pretty obsessive about keying them out--it can take as long to figure out the species as it did to take the hike! Good luck figuring out that artichoke looking thing.

Carletta said...

I asked if you brought any home in the next post - looking at both at the same time. :(
These are lovely!

Wynnie said...

They're a gorgeous colour. Did I tell you that Andrew said my morning glory looks like the workhole in DS9?


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.