Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Watery Wednesday

We walked at the dog park, part of the time beside this little stream.

The ice had a crinkled texture, which made the reflection of the sunlight interesting.

In some places, the water was still, so the reflections of the trees were almost mirror-like.


Verna Luga said...

very perfect reflection ..... nice capture!

Noel Morata said...


what a beautiful water/nature scenes, i love the contrast of plants hte and water reflections/ scenes....thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

now that's wet - lots of water.

George said...

I really like the way you've captured that sheen of ice on the water. The texture is wonderful.

Jim said...

Bright and beautiful.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

My Life as A MOM said...

That's pretty and I want to go swimming, LOL!

Camilla (Rantis) said...

I love the reflextions in the ice from the sun ...
Nice shots!

Judy said...

Wonderful shots! You can really see the sparkly reflections from the sun.


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.