Friday, April 23, 2010

Skywatch Friday

The lilacs are starting to look like lilacs!

Even the white ones!


Clytie said...

Any time now ... those beautiful purple and white blossoms will erupt into mind-blowing beauty and scent!!!

Lorac said...

I know! I am so excited! I love lilacs.I have a Standard Japanese flowering lilac as well as a couple of bushes.Can't wait!

JC said...

My poor old lilacs in my wooded backyard are going to give me a few this year. I'm thrilled ...

Pearl Maple said...

Lilacs are a beautiful sign of spring and warmer weather arriving to your garden. Happy Sky Watch Friday.

Powell River Books said...

I always remember my grandma when I smell lilacs. She had them growing outside her bedroom window. - Margy

SquirrelQueen said...

It won't be long now. Mine are blooming but it's been so windy the scent is getting carried away.


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.