Sunday, March 28, 2010

Today's Flowers

Before the cold snap,

my crocuses were blooming happily.

Now, some of them are left, and others have been eaten, again.


happily retired gal said...

I enjoyed catching up here today. This is a beautiful crocus series but I enjoyed the lilac and the rose buds too.
Hugs and blessings,

Quiet Paths said...

These are the most amazing colors! I love the direct focus you give these photos.

Carletta said...

My favorite color of crocus!
These are beautiful! I saw mine for one day Judy and the deer got them the next. Love your last shot as if you are peeking in. :)

Clytie said...

Your crocus shots are amazing. I also like that last one ... there's something mysterious about that accent of orange ... like you're sneaking a peek of the queen or something.

Kathy said...

I love these pale lavendar and white crocus. Your photos show off all their good points!

kanishk said...

These are the most amazing colors! I love the direct focus you give these photos.
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DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful close-ups of the delicate little crocus. What a beautiful way to herald in spring. Thanks very much for sharing these with Today's Flowers.

lina@women's perspectives said...

All are so much seeing them...


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.