Monday, March 22, 2010


The ice has melted from the pond near my house, and the geese have found it. They are still flying every morning. This second photo is not the best quality, but I love the way the sun has caught the wings of the geese as they fly overhead.


Clytie said...

I do love that! They are glowing! We have a lot of them fly overhead. Really high overhead. I've never gotten a good photo. You are blessed to have a place where they can land and visit you.

Dar said...

So happy your Spring has arrived. Soon, very soon, I hope to hear the geese. What a great capture of the sun glinting through their wingtips.

Wynnie said...

That is neat. Gilded geese :)


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.