Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Watery Wednesday

These are also photos from 2007, but they have water. I like the reflections in this photo.

Here you can see the reflection of the blue sky, and of the green cattails.

Water as a backdrop to various weeds. The yellow is birdsfoot trefoil. The purple is a vetch of some sort. The greenish ones are cow parsnip. And some timothy grass.

And various grasses and cattails, reflected.


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello Judy :)

Greetings :)

Excellent photos very beautifully captured.

The reflections are breathtaking. The first photo is too good for words. It looks like the clouds are inside the water. It also made me think it would be a good place to go for snorkeling. I don't know why? But it is just a thought.

Third photo is a beauty. I enjoyed the lovely flowers and in addition, as bonus you gave me some good lessons in nature study.

I enjoyed the other photos as well. Surely I am getting some good ideas in photography from you. Many, many thanks.

Best wishes :)

Jenn Jilks said...

There is something about water, isn't there, Judy?

We were looking to move closer to the kids, but couldn't find anything we could afford like the property we inherited by the water!

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Judith, this is a beautiful series of photographs. I love all of them. You take wonderful shots, all of them composed so nicely. I love the reflection of the sky in the water, it's like a painting. I also enjoyed the one with the wildflowers/weeds, such a nice contrast in colors. All great! I also think your lilacs below are gorgeous and have been enjoying your other posts. You have a great blog.

EG CameraGirl said...

I like all your photo reminders that spring is on its way!

HappyK said...

My favorite is the one with the weeds or rather flowers. :-) Great shots.

Tarolino said...

A stunning series Judy. Really pretty shots all of them for different reasons. I had to gasp a bit at the third shot. Those yellow blooms and the millpond water in the background made for a picture befitting any nature calender. So lovely.

Carletta said...

Hi Judy,
Excellent images! The reflections are so clear and that flower shot evokes the springtime mood.
My favorite is the rippling sky in the firrt one - awesome.

RA said...

These are beautiful photos. The reflections making them even more outstanding.

I think that bringing a bag to pick up the trash is a good idea. We have to start somewhere, before it's too late.

Best wishes :).

Anonymous said...

You have been able to capture those reflections so well. They remind me of a scene with a lot of reflections in it on a 2500 piece jigsaw puzzle I did once. Just beautiful.

Allison said...

Wow, as every one else has said, the clouds in the water is just plain breathtaking. Your photo's are soooo awesome. I am just sitting looking at them in awe.
Amazing, Thank you so much for having me.

Bryan said...

Great watery photos, that first one especially.

Anonymous said...

Lovely images. I like the first one, particularly because its unique and quite mysterious.

Connie T. said...

I like the tall grass and the reflections. I like the flowers too.

Anonymous said...

I love the reflection on that first photo. I've missed this post eh... :(

George said...

Thanks for a beautiful Watery Wednesday post. I like the reflections you captured in the water.

Wynnie said...

I like the one with the wildflowers. Never knew there was more than one kind of vetch. The reflections are really neat, especially the last one


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.