Thursday, May 22, 2014


The columbine flowers are blooming in the woods now.
I had never seen them before I found this walking trail,
but they are such unusual blossoms!


Anonymous said...

Oh these are beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen these in the wild.

Only bought from Green houses.

So pretty.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Judy they are beautiful I have not seen any back in the bush yet. Nice shots. Hug B

JC said...

How pretty is that.
I've never seen a red one.
I have the purple in my front yard.
I'm always thrilled when it comes back each year.
Love them !!!

And You !!!

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Nice captures. Your photos are very beautiful.Thanks for sharing.

The Furry Gnome said...

Beautiful blossoms! We saw some on our walk the other day, but they weren't out yet.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, I have one of these blooming right now. Pleases me a lot. :)

Charlene N. K. said...

Nice color they have! I haven't seen such color before too. Gorgeous shots!

EG CameraGirl said...

Nice to see! I haven't seen any here yet.


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.