Saturday, May 31, 2014

Chokecherry Blossoms

I have found several chokecherry trees in the area.
They are relayed to apple trees, as you can tell by the shape of the flowers, but different.
I am linking this post with Today's Flowers. I am sure someone has posted roses for you to stop and smell...


Karin M. said...

These are wonderful and special flowers.
You share very nice photos.
Greetings, Karin

DeniseinVA said...

Gorgeous Judy, and thank you so much for sharing them with Today's Flowers :) Have a great weekend!

Carver said...

The are lovely flowers.

Unknown said...

Lovely little flowers! Have a wonderful Sunday.

Andrea said...

I don't know what a chokecherry is, but those flowers are surely very lovely. I remember some trees in the wild i saw in the mountains of Turkey, they look like that, nobody can tell what it was, so i just called it wild plums!

Andrea said...

I don't know what a chokecherry is, but those flowers are surely very lovely. I remember some trees in the wild i saw in the mountains of Turkey, they look like that, nobody can tell what it was, so i just called it wild plums!

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely! They aren't in bloom here yet. ;)

Penelope Postcards said...

Interesting name "choke" cherry for something so pretty. :)

Roan said...

I've heard of chokeberry, but never chokecherry. Very nice blooms. Are they as fragrant as apple blossoms?

Anonymous said...

What lovely flowers!

JC said...

I've always enjoyed these though.

kissed by an angel said...

Beautiful photos of that wonderful blooming chokecherry!!! I never have seen such blossoms before.
Enjoy a happy day :)

Debbie said...

pretty, delicate white blooms!! drenched in light!!

Jenn Jilks said...

Another one I didn't know!


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.