Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The backdrop for the tea party was this trellis covered with tulips. it is such a unique way to display them!


Roses and Lilacs said...

That is a cute idea. The little water cup is completely hidden by moss.

Tracy said...

That is a very clever way of decorating, so pretty! I like how the water tubes are disguised so well--very impressive. Oh, really like the new banner, Judy! :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

Deb said...

interesting way to show it..

George said...

What a beautifully unique way to display tulips. I like it.

Clytie said...

Very unique display. I saw my first tulip bloom today in the garden. Yay!

Dar said...

Very clever have such an eye...I was skimming what I missed this past week and WOW. the hyacinths look like wax, the catkins are interesting, the tea party was awesome with the favored pansies and such an inspiring way to display once again. The Chamomile is a wonderful plant, as well as the Dutchman's Pipe...I love the burgundy coloring.
Water and Ice? always refreshing.
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.