Saturday, March 6, 2010


The pussywillows are starting to poke

their furry little heads out!

This time of year is so exciting, so full of promise!


Maia said...

Pussywillows, so that is their name. Spring is here finally.
I like the way you captured them with the blue sky in the background.
I made some photos myself but I had no idea how to call them.
Have a nice weekend!

Lorac said...

I have two willows in the back yard and am amazed every year when I see they have come out. With all the snow on the ground and often snowstorms all about they still poke their little heads out and brave it all!

Clytie said...

I love pussywillows! Spring just is not complete without their brave fluffiness!

Q said...

Pussy Willows are the calling cards that Spring is near.
So lovely they are.
Happy Spring,


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.