Monday, March 15, 2010


The chamomile in my garden is greening up nicely. I thought it was an annual, but apparently I was wrong.


Roses and Lilacs said...

I've never grown chamomile and didn't know what it looked like. The foliage is pretty. Wonder how fresh chamomile tea is?

George said...

It must be nice to have such a pretty shade of green in your garden this time of the year.

Clytie said...

Beautiful. Now I know Spring is a'comin! Do you make tea with your chamomile? We make tea with the spearmint that keeps coming up in the garden. It's really good.

Petit Eyekiss said...

Nice . did you use it for tea?

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Judy you grow a different chamomile from mine. Mine is an annual and it is the ordinary chamomile. At the moment I have none but I used to dry the flowers. I have to plant it again. It is a very useful plant for stomach upsets and makes a soothing tea.

Anonymous said...

the flamingos are awesome!


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.