Thursday, November 26, 2009

Skywatch Friday

I have been organizing photos, and found this series from early November -

the moon was nearing the western horizon,

and the geese were looking for a nice field for the day's business.


Linda said...

The birds make a beautiful foil for the moon, and vice versa.

Julie said...

Hope the geese found what they were looking for :)
LOVE your reflection images, perfect! Happy SWF

Eaglesbrother said...

Very clear skies..but I like thgat daylight moon up there.


bobbie said...

these are just marvelous!
Thank you for sharing them.

Sylvia K said...

Love the birds in flight and like Eaglesbrother, I like the daylight moon! Lovely blue skies! Terrific shot!

Enjoy your holiday weekend!


eileeninmd said...

Cool photos of all the Geese. You captured a nice shot of the moon too.

Jim said...

Great moonwatch photos.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

joo said...

The moon is lovely and I love the geese!
Happy weekend to you:)

Jenn Jilks said...

Nicely done!

Rune said...

Beautiful photos, tahnks for sharing them. HappySkyWatch :)

eden said...

woww..i love the birds and the moon in the pictures.. Great composition

msdewberry said...

The moon is very brave to show her face in the sky when the sun is out, or so one of the Native stories says that I have heard!! Love your photos. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting my blog!!

Japa said...

Moon, skies and birds. Great shots.

Quiet Paths said...

These are such striking photos and make me lonesome for the birds who have left for the winter. The moon is an added bonus! Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.

EG CameraGirl said...

Another fun set of photo!


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.