Friday, October 2, 2009


More and more of the sunflowers look like this, rather than bright and cheery.

The flowers that are in full bloom

are smaller than last month's.


Hallatarinoita said...

Good bird seeds. =)

George said...

It's sad to see sunflowers lose their petals, but it's nice to see that you still have some blossoms. The seeds should attract lots of birds.

Petit Eyekiss said...

Beautiful sunflowers on your blog.
Have a nice weekend!

JC said...

We had one lone sunflower in the area of our long driveway. My son had planted some last year and one decided to revisit us. It just went last week. I like them ...

Roses and Lilacs said...

I have some sort of insect devastating my sunflowers. They don't produce seeds (for the finches) after this insect is finished. Frustrating.

Deb said...

I love sunflowers...they grow really well here in year my Mom had some that the center was the size of a dinner plate....

STAG said...

I like it when the petals disappear, then you can harvest the seeds.

The earwigs got mine last year though...each head was a earwig condo, (ewwwwww) and though they looked good on the outside, every seed had been hollowed out from behind.

And all my pumpkins never got past the yellow flower stage....grrr.

Regina said...

These are amazing!

Explore Germany said...

lovely photos you got here!


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.