Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today's Flowers

This is one of the few flowers left after the frost. And it is not really a flower. It is kale or cabbage of some sort that becomes beautiful after the frost. While it is edible, it is very tough, so most people treat it like a flower.


Carletta's Captures said...

I love the ornamental cabbages!
We used to plant them years ago. Looking at these beauties reminds me why I liked them. I love the color and the ways the veins are so pronounced.

SquirrelQueen said...

They are so pretty and the colors are beautiful, I always think of them as flowers. Great shots on these Judy, you captured them well.

Regina said...

Beautiful one!

Roses and Lilacs said...

I think kale is so beautiful. Never tried growing it myself but love it mixed with pumpkins and mums.
Marnie said...

Judy, the flowers are like green vegetable...very very beautiful..Never seen in all my life.

I like to visit the friends, cause I learn so much...about the flowers and also the life.


have a nice day

Bim said...

I'm not a great friend of cabbages, but this one looks rather lovely :)

quietpaths said...

What a beautiful close up. I sometimes see these but my husband says they grow these everywhere in Korea.


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.