Thursday, October 15, 2009

Quarter Moon

The moon was still high in the sky

as the sun came up,

turning the birch leaves to gold.


Regina said...

Wondrous captures!
Have nice weekend.

Margaret Gosden said...

So you got the moon, too! Lovely shots!

Roses and Lilacs said...

I haven't seen the moon in weeks. The skies are gray during the day and darker gray at night. Hope you have a sunny weekend.

Q said...

Lovely photographs!
I call the waxing crescent moon in October "The Gypsy Moon"! Quater Moons are pretty too. I have not named them yet...perhaps next year!
Will think of you on the New Monarch Moon on the 18th!
Always a good time for wishes.

Lisa Wilson said...

Those are great shots! What a pretty moon.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love the sun on the birch leaves, the moon above the gold is beautiful. The last shot is so dramatic, it is perfect.


Tracy said...

Sooo lovely... I'd love to sit on the silvery edge of that moon and look down... :o)

Rose Anne B said...

WOW Judy I LOVE the silhouette and the moon pic the bestest but also like the geese taking off behind the tree too! Lovely!

Carletta said...

Geese and the moon - nice shot!
My favorite is the second one - serene and zen-like. :)

Anonymous said...

So beautiful and peaceful - utter calmness! I love the softness of the colours and light.

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely series of shots. The birches are very pretty right now here too.

Sara Chapman said...

My fave is the third from the top. Very tender sky portrait.


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.