Saturday, October 31, 2009

Frost on the Leaves

One thing about this time of year, the alarm goes off just before sunrise,

so I see a lot of frost on the ground (and the rooves, and the cars...)

As the sun rises, the frost starts to melt,

which can cause some interesting patterns on the leaves.


aspiritofsimplicity said...

There is always beauty to be found in nature. If you are brave enough to go looking for it.

Wynnie said...

I love the curled leaf, second from the bottom. They are all lovely, of course, but that one is my favorite by far. We have frost on the rooves as well this morning

Tracy said...

...bbbrrr...chilly... but very beautiful too! :o) Happy Weekend!

George said...

These are beautiful macros of the frost on the leaves. Thanks for braving the chilly temperatures to get them.

Carletta said...

Looking at your beautiful photos I almost can't wait for our first frost. :)
Love that first one and how the frost outlines the veins. said...

excellent macros...havea nice week


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.