Friday, September 18, 2009


I love the way the sun shines through the petals of the hollyhocks!


Jenn Jilks said...

Beautiful! Mine did not do well. Must put them on the "To BUy" list for next year!!!

JC said...

Those are so pretty. Look so delicate ..

I have never tried to grown them ...

Deb said...

beautiful shots...

George said...

I also like the back-lit petals of your hollyhocks. They're simply beautiful.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Erect against the garden wall
they grow the tallest flower of all
Like grandmamas they seem to know
the reason why strange things are so.

Deena said...

What lovely photos! As I write this, I am looking out the window at the sunlight shining through the petals of hollyhocks in my garden:) They are one of the most reliable flowers we have here in Montana!


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.