Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Along with all the lovely mist on the water, comes frost.

But if you wear sandals, and walk through the frosty grass, your toes complain.

A lot. I really wonder how the dogs can scamper through the snow in their bare feet!


annalarssonphotography said...

Beautiful shots!
You make me ACHE for frost ;)
And that's uncommon!

Have a great wednesday

Martha Z said...

Lovely, no frost here yet, probably a few months off here in the Sacramento Valley.

~Visions~ said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, as well as for your lovely comments.

I love your shots. The frost ones are wonderful and look so delicate - as though adorned with tiny crystals. It makes me miss the east. Especially in the fall ... such wonderful colours.

Rose Anne B said...

Oh No!!!!!! Frost already - those poor lovely blooms, leaves and grasses!!! Why can't FALL stay a full season???

Carletta said...

Already? Oh my gosh!
But, it makes for lovely photography which you share here.
I love the second one - the color, the glisten, - appeals to my fairytale senses. :)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

We have had no frost in the wood yet here. But, I know it will be here soon. You make it look so pretty I almost can't wait to get out there and get some pictures of it. I almost can't wait...I really don't mind waiting a few more weeks though.

Wynnie said...

We haven't had frost yet, but I don't think it'll be too long now. I like the first and last ones best, I think, but I can't choose betwee them


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.