Monday, January 19, 2015

Sunlight and Snow

I am happy that my gate faces the south, so I can see the sunlight coming through the snow which the gate has captured!!
I am linking this post with Nature Footstep Catch the Light.


Laura said...

exquisite snow photos Judy!

Mike said...

What a great eye for the shot! Looks great.

Iowa Voice

Debbie said...

beautiful, you can see the flakes!!!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I just read somewhere that instead of every snow flake being unique onto itself, there are only 37 different shapes it can be ... Now this is a beautiful compilation of 37 times many flakes with the sunlight shining perfectly on it so we can see each flake on the surface :) ... Wonderful capture, Judy ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

Annemor said...

You can almost count the snowflakes. You've got an eye for good shots.
Have a nice evening.

Lmkazmierczak said...

Delightful shot♪

chasing the sun said...

So pretty! I love and miss snow...

chasing the sun said...

So pretty! I love and miss snow...

Buttons Thoughts said...

Sure is pretty. It is warmer these days but the nights well you know:) Hug B

Bethany Carson said...

Very pretty shots of the snow! A lot of our snow has melted with the warmer temperatures we've had the past few days, but I'm sure we're destined to get plenty more before the winter is over.

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

I love the unique patterns you can find in snowflakes. Nice back lighting on these.

NatureFootstep said...

yes, that is nice to capture :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

How lovely your snow is. Almost enough to make me wish to spend a 'real winter' sometime. (But only almost!)

Anonymous said...

Oh - these are so gorgeous!


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.