Sunday, April 3, 2011

Armoured Hordes Are Invading!

The other day, I noticed that hordes of these foot soldiers are poised to invade our lands. And have you noticed they are completely covered in gold armour?
Okay, I have been listening to too much gamer talk...


Clytie said...

It took me a minute to realize they are rabbits! Lol!

I haven't eaten a chocolate Easter bunny since I unwrapped one years ago ... and found a chocolate SANTA. I never realized until then that they were the same shape!

JC said...

They put the next seasons 'thing' out the day after a Holiday.

I do love a good chocolate bunny though. As a child, I would eat mine very slow.

SquirrelQueen said...

Ohhh, chocolate bunnies. Let the invasion begin!

Deb said...

I thought it was an award show....then I saw the ears...funny...

ancient one said...

Cute, cute post!

STAG said...

Said the chocolate rabbit with the bite taken out of his tail to the rabbit with the ears bitten off...

My Butt hurts.


Noel Morata said...


i love the humor in your rabbit post :) the beautiful flower below you posted is on a bromeliad, its spectacular in bloom.

Carletta said...

You made me smile with this one!

Wynnie said...

I'm sure we can fight off the delicious hordes :P

EG CameraGirl said...

Hehehe! Yep, they are taking over.


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.