Thursday, October 1, 2009

Skywatch Friday

Last month, the elderberries were ripe.

Tiny black berries on a shrub about 8 feet tall, they can be used for pies and jelly.

If you can get to them before the birds.

12 comments: said...

Dear Judy

I love it your name because I have an english friend taht lives in Liverpool..
and now, I fou nd your it too the shots..are very nice

have a nice weekend, dear


I felt like having a pie now!
Fun shots - the third one is lovely! Looks like an umbrella! And that lovely blue sky!

EG CameraGirl said...

Elderberry jelly! YOM!

Guy D said...

Wow what awesome photos, love those bright colors.

Have a great weekend
Regina In Pictures

Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

Love your blog as well!
How about some Elderberry Wine :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I am so glad you said what the berries are. They are growing in a park by the ocean in Portland, Maine where I like to walk. I have been trying to find them in my field guides.

Don't they make a pretty photo against the sky?

Glennis said...

Elder berries make lovely wine too. They look so pretty against the blue sky.

Carletta said...

I saw jelly and said wine and Glennis beat me to it!
I think there's some kind of song about it in my head. :)
Lovely images!!!

eileeninmd said...

Great idea showing the berries and the sky. Well done, thanks for sharing.

Deb said...

I think I have these growing on my fence...didn't know what they were...nice photos

marianne said...

great skywatch shots! and i enjoyed looking at your garden too.

Melusine said...

It's fantastic to see the sky through those black berries! Great captured :)


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.