Sunday, September 27, 2009

Today's Flowers

The Jerusalem artichokes are blooming.

They get to be six or seven feet tall,

and they bloom early in the fall,

so they are doubly welcome, unless you have to mow around them.


Carver said...

They are so cheerful and sunny looking.

Naturegirl said...

Oh such golden sunshine!! I know that these can become quite invasive in the you control them or just let them grow freely!

Al said...

Oh so nice! Yellow is really the color of the day!

Thanks for the visit.


Randi said...

Lovely photos - I love these bright coloured flowers and have many, many in my garden.

Thanks Judy, for your kind comment.

Carletta said...

These are beautiful shots! Such varied composition - all gorgeous!

Tulip said...

wonderful golden flowers.

my entry:

Wynnie said...

Ah, my favorite yellow flowers...


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.