Saturday, December 6, 2014


Yes, I know - I hate it too - but you cannot deny that the flowers are pretty!
It's the seed pods that get caught in everything, and are the very devil to take out.
I am linking this with Today's Flowers. Stop in and see what else is blooming around the world.


DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful photos Judy and thank you so much for being our Guest on the Today's Flowers home page.

Vilt og vakkert said...

Heisann, bad and good, ugly and wonderful -that is what life is too, the flower reflects the hard reality!
Have a nice weekend ;:OD)

Villrose said...

Pretty! But I hate to pick them off my dog, who loves to poke into them ....

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wow - interesting. And great photos.

The Furry Gnome said...

Nice pix! I too was surprised when I realized the flowers were so pretty - we've got lots of it in our meadow.

Hannah said...

Pretty flowers, part of the perpetual weed scene, just when I think I've gotten rid of them they pop up again.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous photos! I like them a lot.

Carver said...

I love the look of the flowers.

Buttons Thoughts said...

INCREDIBLE shots as usual. Hug B

A Colorful World said...

Yes, it's very lovely! Such pretty photos!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I wouldn't have known it was a weed! Beautiful color.

Debbie said...

oohhhh that color, might just be my favorite!!!!

NatureFootstep said...

another name for thistle I guess. :)

Donna said...

Judy I am popping over from Today's Flowers to see your stunning photos...many so called weeds do have beautiful flowers...burdock included!


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.