Sunday, May 12, 2013

Big Wind

We have been having heavy wind gusts
this afternoon.
The poor flowering crabapple in the front yard
has lost another couple of branches.
And the rest of it is not in very good health...


Clytie said...

Ah, the poor tree ...

But if it had to lose a limb ... at least it left a heart shaped scar!!!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Hi Judy it sure is windy and cold here too. Hug B

Mary said...

Oh...too bad! We lost one of our crab apples a couple years ago. I wish the flowering spring trees weren't so brittle! Lots of pears get ruined this time of year, too.

Debbie said...

awww, poor tree!! it looks like a bleeding heart!!

EcoRover said...

Nature's pruning. The purple cambium layer is outstanding, though.

Hallatarinoita said...


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm a 50 something female set loose on the world with a camera.