Friday, May 24, 2013


Most people think of purple violets
as being the only sort,
but that is not so.
There are at least 20 types in my book.
only a few in my yard, though.
I still have to crawl through the grass,
capturing each one...


  1. I have several mounds of purple/blue violets. Wish I had the other colors too.

    I have a mental image of you getting those photos. Thanks ...

  2. I only have the same as you have. I have never seen any other in

    the bush, forest or on the lawn.

    So where are they hiding.

    I guess different countries.

  3. Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog and Today's Flowers!!!

    May you have as many good memories of your father as I do of mine!!!

    (love your header photo!!!)

  4. so lovely Judy!!! these would be a welcome addition to I Heart Macro on my blog tomorrow evening:-)

  5. Hi Judy, I just read your comment on Today's Flowers and wanted to say don't ever think of hanging up your camera, your photos are superb and I love these. Wishing you a great week ahead :)

  6. and I believe, if something's down at eye level, that's where we need to go for our photos. You did it; well done - violets are such a sentimental journey to yesteryear and so delightful; thanks for sharing Judy

  7. I didn't know that ... They are so pretty

  8. These are wonderful photos of the violets. Wouldn't it be something to be able to get photos of all 20(+) types of violets?

  9. These are lovely Judy! I usually only think purple. Thanks for the beautiful reminder.
    Also, your tulip shots on the Today's Flowers guest page are lovely - excellent macros!

  10. Well, the first two aren't violets although the colour is right. there are a lot more than that, there are pink ones, deep violet ones taller growing lighter coloured ones a number of different whites and one of my favourite, freckles, a pale violet colour with tiny, darker spots. Apart from these, there are the pink and lavender Parma violets that have no perfume.
    They are all great fun to have around, although the pure white ones tend to take over the garden.

  11. #6, with the drop of water...perfect timing and a gorgeous image!!

    it's a purple time of year!!

  12. we have a yellow one too. But it only grows up north in the mountain range. It´s very beautiful.

  13. That is a lot of different kinds...didn't know there were so many.

  14. I can picture you doing this, as do I!
