Saturday, May 25, 2013

Grape Hyacinths

Grape hyacinths have to be my favourite
of the spring garden flowers.
To see more flowers from around the world, click the Today's Flowers icon to the right.


  1. Wonderful shots of the beautiful grape hyacinth. I also love your shots as guest friend.

  2. Love your grape hyacinths. Such a delicate little flower. Thanks for sharing these and also for being our guest friend this week at Today's Flowers. Those shots were gorgeous too :)

  3. so beautiful Judy... I also love your offerings over at Today's Flowers.... gorgeous!

  4. Your Muscari are lovely and the best part is, they have a very pleasing scent.

  5. Snap! I posted the same flower today as well. Love the blues


  6. the light mimics the flower, gorgeous!!

    pretty flower in my very most favorite color!!

  7. Your flowers are always so beautiful. The tulips on Today's Flowers are very lovely. I agree that muscari are absolutely wonderful spring flowers. In my garden, they bloom at the same time that vast clouds of forget-me-nots. I need some early yellow flowers blooming then!

  8. Such amazingly gorgeous shots.

  9. Grape hyacinths were great favorites of mine when we lived in Oregon -- along with crocus they were one of the earliest to bloom. Thanks for the lovely pictures and the memories.

    Thanks too for being guest friend on Today's Flowers -- your tulips were just heavenly ( for me just another memory, now that we're in Florida in the Spring.)

  10. Post is preaty good….beautiful flowers on the fotos...I like them very much...Thank's author for that:)

  11. Wonderful macro shots! Such tiny creations of nature and so beautiful!

  12. One of my favorite spring flowers. I like the transparent effect of the flowers. Well-captured!

  13. I missed out on getting them planted this year, but they are a fav of mine too!
