Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Trees and Flowers and Bees

I am attempting to file my photos
 and I found this series
from sometime in the spring.
 A welcome reminder that the seasons will change again.


  1. Such a cheerful series and a welcome reminder of Spring.

  2. Sorry I forgot to mention that I am adding you to the blog roll on my new photography blog. :)

  3. I found my old friends from Windsor Uni and we have been chatting. U will be please to read this>

    That trip gave me an ever lasting good impression of the Canadians. I was getting car sick, Martin stopped the car, and I vomitted on the road. One of the girls went to the door for some water. The lady of the house came and gave me a glass of orange juice. How about that?

  4. What a lovely series of shots!

  5. Greetings from Finland. A blog is nice to get to know people from other countries, culture and nature. Come and see the pictures you Teuvo kuvat- Teuvo images of my blog and tell all your friends to my blog. Will be the same with your country's flag to higher flag collection in my blog Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland

  6. Beautiful macro photos, I like everyone but especially those of the bee.

  7. I love seeing the bees...
    Happy December,
