Thursday, June 30, 2011

Baby Pine Cones

For a couple of years now, I have been attracted by the flowers of the pine tree,
 but I have never paid attention to what came next.
The obvious answer is baby pine cones, 
 but I was so surprised at how cute they are.
 Next year, they will look like this

Skywatch Friday

The grasses are blooming,
causing some people discomfort with the blowing pollen.
For more photos of the skies around the world, click the icon on the right.

Hydro Pylons

I've been studying the hydro pylons out in the fields,
 the combination of solidity and elegance of form.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pink Chiffon Clematis

The pink chiffon clematis at the college
 is attracting the bees.

Purple Loosestrife

The purple loosestrife is starting to bloom.
 I know it is a terribly invasive weed, crowding out native species, but I still love the colour!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Watery Wednesday

The geese have moved on, and the pond is quiet without them.
 All that's left are the reflections of the cattails and the birdsfoot trefoil.
 Click the icon on the right to get your eye cyberwet, with photos from around the world.

Yellow Sweet Clover

There is a big patch of yellow sweet clover blooming beside the pond.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Vipers Bugloss

One of those cheerful weeds that grows in poor soil,
 the beauty of vipers bugloss is often overlooked.

Queen Anne's Lace

Yesterday, I told someone that I had not seen any Queen Anne's lace this year,
 so what do I find this morning?
 Three of them, with more buds on the way!
Seems like summer is here...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Peony Seed Pods

I split open one of the seed pods of a species peony, and I was surprised what I found inside!

Today's Flowers

I posted photos of the false lupines when they were blooming, and someone asked what is the difference between them and true lupines. Well, the false lupines take longer to set seed, and the pods are longer, thinner, and vertical.
 True lupine seed pods are horizontal, shorter, and fatter.
 Here you can see both sorts.
For more photos of flowers from around the world, click the icon on the right.

Hyacinth Beans

The hyacinth beans were blooming, but I was fascinated by the leaves.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


The honeysuckle is getting ready to bloom.
 Looks like aliens...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cheddar Cheese Peony

I have no idea why it is named Cheddar Cheese, but it has been an established variety since 1973.
 I like the layer of yellow petals in the middle of the white.

Macro Flowers Saturday

The perennial cornflower is related to the bachelor's buttons
 we all know and love, but is a separate species.
 For more macro flowers from around the world, click the icon on the right.