Thursday, June 30, 2011

Baby Pine Cones

For a couple of years now, I have been attracted by the flowers of the pine tree,
 but I have never paid attention to what came next.
The obvious answer is baby pine cones, 
 but I was so surprised at how cute they are.
 Next year, they will look like this


  1. Beautiful shots!
    They are so fascinating!
    Have a great weekend.

  2. We used to have pines all around the house and when they flowered everything was covered in a thck layer of pollen. Nice shots.

  3. I love that you noticed the small things such as this, and shared it with us. I'm wondering what sort of pine that is? Now I want to run out and look at my own for babies! I especially like the photo with the rain/dewdrops. they're all amazing, actually. thanks for visiting my blog and saying hello, I truly appreciate it, and happy SWF!
