Thursday, April 16, 2009

Skywatch Friday

Trees are in bud, finally.

Soon there will actually be leaves!


  1. Considering the size of your peonys and your tree buds it looks as if your spring is about three weeks behind me here in southern Pa.
    Nice choice for Sky Watch!

  2. Our lake ice has finally gone. All the critters are coming back, spring peepers are peeping. Life is good!

  3. Hooray for Spring! Beautiful shots!

  4. The very essens of spring in these shots too. Prominant leafbuds and blue skies. Lovely shots.

    PS. You have not collected your award. Of course that's okay if you don't do awards but I thought perhaps you missed the comment I put in earlier.

  5. What a beautiful blue sky!
    I have also captured the spring.

  6. Everything here has budded out. It's really warm! Going to be in the 90s this weekend. My horses are shedding so much they rub in anything standing still- including me! My little filly got so excited with me brushing her last nite that when I stopped for a minute to talk to some friends who walked up she pawed me. Wanted more brushing! Get more hair off! Poor things.
    Have a super weekend!
    BTW- my pots with seeds are just now popping up- can't wait for them to flower! The seeds were a gift from my youngest son - we've never been able to have flowers before so we are both excited to see them!

  7. Looking at this it won't be long for you.
    My apple trees and plum trees have leaves. I actually was out taking pictures against the sky today of my cherry blooms and leaves.

  8. The first shot is like a string of pearls
