Thursday, April 2, 2009

Skywatch Friday

The sun was out, seemingly for the first time in days.


  1. The trees give context to the wonderflu sky. I like your other posts too. My garden is full of iris and the miniature are just starting, the tall bearded about to open and the Japanese and Siberian haven't show signs yet. Don't you love spring?

  2. I love fluffy clouds on blue skies :)

  3. I love the tree branches against the sky. I feel as if it is me looking up!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. What a wonderful sky. The second shot has quite artistic qualities to it too. I really like that one. The different coloured branches and the sky. Gorgeous.

  5. Yep, we sure could use a LOT more sun, couldn't we?

    The contrast between the white and grey bark is very pretty against the blue and white sky.

  6. Hopefully this beautiful blue sky is just the first of many beautiful (warm) days to come your way.

  7. What a lovely Friday sky, makes you want to pull out a lawn chair and relax, unless it's too cold out....
