Sunday, December 28, 2014

Still Life

The weather has been gray and wet, so I have been playing indoors.
I figure the only way to learn to create still lifes
is to start taking the photos,
and see what I come up with. 
I would appreciate any positive comments you make!!


  1. No positivity from me today! How dare you take photos inside...the nerve of some people. ;)

    Seriously, great idea and lovely shots. I especially like the third and last photos--beautiful!

    May the Lord bless you with a very happy New Year.

  2. Love love love the way you play. Incredible shots. Hug B

  3. You are so right. It's all so brown out there!
    I should do more close-ups. I'm pretty tired right now, though! And we're off to the hospital for another CT Scan. Life goes on...
