Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Gone to Market, Part 1

I went to the Ottawa Farmers' Market on Sunday,
and it is so much larger than the markets around home!!
I started taking photos of the kale,
and the other produce.
Beans, and beets,
corn, and peppers,
two kinds of them, 
and cherry tomatoes!
And I barely touched the surface of all the produce!!!
I am linking this post with Nature Footstep Blo-Ma,
and will continue the sensory exploration tomorrow...


  1. We have market here but oh my the prices are way too high.

    Went last week and wanted to get corn. The lady said we don't open till 1.30 by law. It was 11.30 when we got there. Hmmmmmmmmm

    Her corn was nice. We did manage to get corn five min from our place. A farmer dropped them off. Oh my they were the best and only in 15 minutes cooking. They were the nicest tasting, tender corn. So it was meant for the other market to be closed one can say.

    Did you find your Market price was right for some of your Market items?

  2. Wonderful shots of all the different kinds of produce. I particularly like the kale shots, the first one is fabulous!!

  3. I meant to get to the market near our beach place but was too busy this Summer with Maddy.

    By the way, did you read my blog. Maddy past away on Sunday.


  4. Wonderfull shots of this serie of photos!

  5. Everything looks so fresh and yummy! I love going to market.

  6. Everything looks so good. I love the colours and the shapes.

  7. I still haven't gotten to a farmer's market yet this year...but I want some really fresh corn!
    Love the photo of the beets.

  8. ouch. now I´m hungry for goodies. :)

  9. Ah the best part of summer - getting all the fresh veggies at the market! Enjoy!
