Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Dutchman's Breeches

I was going to show you a long post about my walk in the woods, but it is taking far too long to edit the 300 photos, so I will show you the ones I fell in love with this morning...
All the spring wildflowers are blooming, before the trees leaf out and cut off their sunlight. I spent over two hours getting down on the ground, and getting up again, to move to the next treasure, and the next morning, I wondered why my legs hurt...
Need I tell you that I am going again this week, to do it all again?
I am linking this post with Nature Footstep's Blo-Ma.


  1. You are so silly. I can imagine you doing this. You do know how to enjoy your life.

    I'd be the one sitting on the bench drinking coffee or tea while holding your extra camera stuff .. asking are you done with that one.


  2. Blooms are springing up everywhere and these are beautiful!!

  3. Lovely flowers, the best treasures you can find.

    It's a great workout and it's so much fun that you don't even mind doing it! I did it myself on Sunday. :)

  4. Den ser lite rolig ut blomman som om den satt upp och ner. Den är fin ändå.
    Ha en fin onsdag
    Kram Meta

  5. Hi Judy!! Lovely photos. That's a plant I'm not familiar with, I love the little flowers.

  6. I have never seen the Dutchman's Breeches before, only in photos. Yours are gorgeous Judy! 300 photos? Ahhh, sounds just like me when I go for a walk :)

  7. I have never seen these before and I am a Dutchie :p
    Love the photo's

  8. I hear you...get down is easy it's the getting up tricky and painfull!
    Happy Spring!

  9. Hi Judy, the flowers are definitely lovely as well as the photos. And i am intrigued why some plants are named and described as Dutchman's. There is the Dutchman's pipe, and now for the first time i read Dutchman's breeches! hahaha it is funny. I wonder why the Dutch are some older generations comparisons!!!

  10. Lovely shots - the flowers look like acrobats with legs in the air!

  11. das ist einen Blüte die ich nicht kenne..aber sie gefällt mir :D

    LG vom katerchen

  12. a very unusual and beautiful flower. I too sould be on my knees to shoot it. :) Hope your aching is over by now.

  13. We are kindred spirits. I do the 300 photo thing, too!
