Thursday, November 21, 2013


In honour of Turkey Day in the United States, I am posting a turkey I found in Woodstock. I wonder how old it is (the concrete statues they make now have a finer texture), and how much it weighs, since it is about life sized.
I am also linking this post with NF Winged, not because this specimen can fly, but because the live ones can...


  1. Nice Turkey in the garden. Elisabeth

  2. Hi Judy!! Great shot of the turkey sculpture. Bet it's not as tasty as a real one!!! LOL.

  3. LOL, nice big bird. :D

    Thanks for commenting on my blog.
    I got visits to my garden of chickadees as well as the coal tits. They all love the sunflower seeds and that is almost all I give to them.

    Have a nice evening!

  4. That is a very interesting garden statue thingy. Not sure what they are called. I've seen them at garden shows for sell. Not turkeys but cats and dogs and others.

    T Day is next week. We don't do turkey. Usually we make a fab spaghetti.

  5. it is a beautiful statue and so welcome to the meme.

  6. Cute statue, perfect timing for Thanksgiving!

  7. At least this turkey doesn't have to worry about ending up on the dining room table!

  8. I think that turkey would look super in my gardens. ;)

  9. Such a nice fat turkey :-) Lovely statue.

  10. Heisann!

    Why not a sculpture!
    We still have some birds in the garden, but I think it is to cold going outside in a hurry to shoot them by camera.
    I have some decorated wooden birds in the greenhouse ... may be...
    Have a nice weekend ;:OD)

  11. cute, at least he won't be "eaten" on turkey day!! hehe
