Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Flowers

I have no idea what sort of flowers these are,
although they look a bit like scilla...
They are covering a lawn, not too far from here.
To see more flowers from around the world, click the Today's Flowers icon on the right.


  1. På svenska heter den porslins hyacint.
    Jag har den i min trädgård. Ska leta efter ett Latinskt namn om jag hittar det så hör jag av mig.
    Ha en fin vecka
    Kram Meta

  2. Oj då det var inte svårt nu har jag namnet på latin. "Puschkinia scilloides"

    Slå upp på nätet så kan du läsa mer om den.
    Ha det gott
    Kram Meta

  3. Stunning flowers! I also don't know the flower's name.

  4. Que cor delicada! Gostei de suas fotos!

  5. these are very special. love the blue stripes on the petals.

  6. Isn't it wonderful how some bulbs naturalise and take over lawns or pastures where a garden has been before. These little flowers are so very beautiful.

  7. They are lovely with that stripe of blue. I saw them once and learned the name a few years ago, but now can't remember!

  8. Hi Judy, these are beautiful, and I love the artsy effect on the third one down. Thanks for sharing and have a great week :)

  9. I have these! I really should look them up... sigh
    Lovely photos!

  10. It looks like one of the lilies, but its design is so spectacular. If only it can grow in hot tropics i definitely love to have them. Amazing and lovely photos.

  11. The spring flowers are delightful. They look so delicate.
