Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Yesterday, I found three coltsfoot buds poking through the dead grass.
I brought one home, so I could see it open fully.
It opened out as it got warm, and closed half way about dark, even though it was under the plant lights.
It has opened again this morning!!! Unlike a dandelion.
I am linking this with NF Blo-Ma.


  1. Det är ju sååå härligt när de första tussilagon tittar fram i dikena.
    Ha en fin vecka
    Kram Meta

  2. cool...looks like our dandelions...

  3. I just learned something new. I had no idea a coltsfoot blossom would reopen the next day!

  4. such a pretty shade of yellow!!

  5. That is neat....opens and half closes and then open again. Pretty unusual. The yellow is so bright and pretty. genie

  6. How wonderful! I haven't seen one here yet. Maybe I'll find one during the weekend.

  7. Beautiful little sun shine!

  8. I never knew the difference:) huh guess you do learn something new everyday great shots. B

  9. A real sign of spring! I saw some here too.

  10. Lovely shots .... I just saw some today, the first sign of spring :)

  11. What a great idea!
    I planted pansies today. It may be a mistake, but I'm prepared to deal with it!
    The tulips are about 8". The bleeding heart, in a sheltered corner is as tall!
    I love your treasures! That is an amazing quilt.
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  12. Coltsfoot is that what you call them not dandelions? Or it means dandelions. Educate me.

    The daffy is so bright and yellow and pretty and Spring for sure. Lucky Ducky you.

    Snow has gone here I see the deer in the yard the three of them and the robbins but to-morrow calls for SNOW. Boooo Hooo

    Will it ever end.

  13. I love them and they finally started to bloom here as well. Fun thing about them is if I try to sniff the scent I start to sneeze. :)
