Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Walk in the Snow

It was sunny and mild, only a little below freezing, so we took a long walk. Jake and I admired the cattails in the snow (okay, he was waiting for me to move on).
Here, he shows how deep the path has been trodden into the snow,
and here I show how far you sink if you step off the path. That place was not quite knee deep.
There were some mouse tracks (I think they are mouse),
and I always love the shadows of the snow.
Annie loves the snow, even if she does gain 5 pounds when it is this mild. And we were home before dark!


  1. i might have to wear boots for that much snow!!

    wonderful entry, i really enjoyed it!!

  2. look fun and cold-especially the blue shadows!

  3. Oh, this is the best kind of weather for a winter walk. So lovely!

  4. Great pictures - specialy the one of Annie. I have 4 dogs and they adore to run on snow and play :)

  5. AH! A slice of winter in all its glory. :)

  6. what happened to your shots? I can´t see half of them.

  7. Especially love Annie in the snow!

  8. The photo of Annie is the best!!!! Aoooo cute.
