Sunday, December 30, 2012

Water over the Dam

There are two dams in the park near my parents.
This time of year, water flows over both of them.
I am linking this with NF Waters.


  1. The third pic -with the tree reflection- is awesome!

  2. Love hoe the water is smooth as glass before it falls. Happy New Year to you :)

  3. Beautiful reflections.
    Wish you a great new year.
    From Hilda

  4. Wonderful shots of the water over the dam.

  5. Exquisite pictures, I like the softness and lightness that transmit those wonderful reflections in the water. Greetings.

  6. Beautiful perspectives of these enchanting waters! Love the artistic beauty of the third photo!

  7. All of these shots are wonderful. The first one has to be my favorite. I love the way you were able to capture the power tower in image. The water looks very cold...but then, it is that time of the year for cold and frigid waters like these. Here is wishing you a new year filled with happiness and good health. genie

  8. great watery shots. And I like the reflections. They ad a lot to the shots. :)
