Sunday, December 23, 2012


On Friday, I was returning home bringing the snowstorm.
It was a mixture of rain and snow,
so I was happy to be a passenger.
Overnight, the temperature dropped and it was all snow.
I am linking this with NF Waters.


  1. Just beautiful! I do love how you have caught that droplet of water, like a little jewel. Your header is gorgeous too.

  2. The snowfall in your last photo is beautiful, but I'm glad I didn't have to drive or ride in it while it was falling. I really like your photos of the water droplets.

  3. Lovely photos! I like that first one. Glad we don't have any snow. I'm not ready for that yet.

  4. Judy wonderful captures of the ice and raindrops!You now have a white Christmas!
    Wishes to you for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  5. It does look Christmasy-although I'll take my weather as rain!

  6. Beautiful compositions, invigorating look to see this beauty. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of joy with your loved ones. Leovi.

  7. that perfect droplet looks like a cristmas decoration. :)

    Glad you liked my holiday header. :)
