Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17

Just letting you all know that the home computer died. (I am at the library now.)
Tomorrow morning, I leave to spend a few days with my mother.
I will come back!!


  1. That's so sad! Sorry to here it.
    I love the header photo!
    You're right about the skies. Pretty wet out and about. Slippery slope for our driveway!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  2. have a splendid time with your mother. I too love this header picture.

  3. Here is hoping you can get a computer again before long. It has been delightful visiting you throughout this year. Thank you for your visits and for the time you took to leave us comments here too. We look forward very much to more time shared in 2013! and here is wishing it to be a peaceful, healthy and happy new year. Love Darcy, Bingley and Helen xxx
