Sunday, November 25, 2012


This squirrel yelled at me
till he got a decent photo shoot.
   Then he left.


  1. Wow for those fantastic shots and creative little writing there.

  2. They do get fussy about getting their pictures made. Or perhaps he wanted some of those acorns in your post below.

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

  3. I love chasing squirrels with my lens. :)

    You made a comment on my blog about the weather being warmer in central Ontario than where you are. I think the heavy cloud cover we have here keeps some warmth in. Your blue skies allow the warmth to escape. At least there is SOMETHING positive about overcast skies.

  4. Or was it you yelling at the squirrel? LOL.
    They sure do make a fuss. Here they shy away from me..but NO yelling.
    I too love to take pictures of them.

  5. He is quite a character, and it's fun to try to capture..

  6. I like watching squirrels. Cute that this post follows the acorns, as squirrels do.
