Thursday, November 8, 2012

Frozen Chamomile

 I found a couple of brave chamomile flowers
beside the path.
 They had been mowed so often
 I had to lie on the path to capture them.


  1. Beautiful!

    Are you using macro.

    I love that the background is blurred.

    Some times I have it like that and most times no.

    I bring my picture forwards but then it becomes blurred.

    I have to say that is the hardest thing for me to get in images.

    Love your blooms.

  2. What lovely frost captures, today and yesterday. :)

  3. yes, some objects is best if you are on a low level. :) Your shots are great.

  4. Yet again another good set of macros. These make me go outside and make some pictures myself :)

  5. Beautiful capture! They look like crystal flowers.
