Sunday, August 12, 2012

Swamp Milkweed

This is the first year I have seen swamp milkweed.
 It is much the same height as regular milkweed,
 but the leaves are very different.
 The blossoms are very like,
 only smaller and a darker pink.
 I haven't tried picking them, to see if they exude the same sap.
The seed pods are very different, too.


  1. Pretty. I used to love to broadcast the milkweed seeds back when I was growing up.

  2. A lovely series of compositions.

  3. Beautiful close ups. I have found this along the Missouri River; at least I'm pretty sure that is what is was. It caught me by surprise because of the color.

  4. well don't remove as these too are fav. for the butterflies. I have seen quite a few butterflies since the love the pruple butterfly bush.
