Sunday, June 24, 2012


The chicory has been blooming for about a week.
 I love the colour, so I take a lot of photos.
 I think it is a cheery little flower,
 and I love the stamens!


  1. Then probably my flower is chicory and not wild lettuce. I can never tell the difference. You have some great shots. Love the header.

  2. These are gorgeous shots of the chicory flowers - the bottom one is my fave - the lighting you caught is incredible!!!

    I keep track of several chicory plants around here. This year they didn't show up, nor did my moth mullein. Sigh. Such is the way of nature.

  3. Pretty. Who knew a brown powder coffee substitute was so pretty!

  4. Love these chicory flowers! The plants will grow in places others won't, and somehow that makes them special to me. Gorgeous photos.
