Saturday, June 30, 2012


The daylilies have started blooming,
 and I love the intense colours
 when the sun catches them.

Bur Cucumber

The bur cucumber vines are starting to climb the spruce trees again.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday"s Fences

I've acquired quite a collection of fence posts,
 so I am sharing them with you today,
 rust, lichens and all!
 To see more fences, visit Jan and Jer.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Skywatch Friday

A lot of the other grasses have finished blooming for the summer, but the timothy is just coming into bloom.
 To see what is featured in other skies around the world, click the icon on the right.

Pink Chiffon Clematis

Is it just my imagination,
 or could the centre of a clematis be used
 as the alien in a sci-fi flick?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Queen Anne's Lace

I have been enjoying the QAL with my new camera,
 choosing where to focus.
 It is another invasive weed,
 but I still enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Black Eyed Susans

I found the first of the summer's black eyed Susans this morning.
 They were my grandmother's favourite flower,
 and today would have been her birthday!
 It just seems such a happy coincidence!

Elder Flowers

The elder bushes are blossoming.
I love the froth of creamy flowers.
 But too soon,
 they are done.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sweet Clover

Not the round ball-shaped clusters of regular clover,
 but sweet clover is still pretty, and a lovely addition to a salad or a bouquet.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Purple Loosestrife

The purple loosestrife is starting to bloom.
I know it is a terribly invasive plant,
 but it does make a good cut flower.


The chicory has been blooming for about a week.
 I love the colour, so I take a lot of photos.
 I think it is a cheery little flower,
 and I love the stamens!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Monarch Butterfly

If the monarch butterflies have made it this far north by June, then maybe we will have caterpillars...

Baby Blues

Another little plant from the college.
 The blossoms really are this amazing blue,
 and about the size of a forget-me-not.