Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Watery Wednesday

I woke to snow blanketing the ground yesterday.
 And the lilacs and other trees.
 The temperature was hovering around freezing all day,
 but the snow turned to slush and then to rain.
Other than the interesting photo ops,
 a day to stay indoors and read.
To see more wet photos, click the icon on the right. No doubt, most of them will feature liquid water...



  1. I'm glad you took advantage of this photo op. WOW! Enlarged they are all amazing, but love that water droplet on the top.

  2. Raindrops/ water droplets on flowers never fail to put a smile on my face. Thanks Judy!

  3. Those poor flowers! However, the combination of snow and Spring flowers makes for great photos!

  4. Wow.. These are all beautiful. I love snow on flowers but unfortunately we don't have snow here.

  5. the droplet on the blue flower is beautiful !

  6. Judy, they have threatened us with snow this w/e. Fingers are crossed that we do not get it.
