Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Watery Wednesday

Standing on the bridge,
 looking at the ice on the little stream.
 To see more watery scenes from the world around us, click the icon on the right.


  1. Great shots! The ice looks sharp and wet and cold! And the designs the ice makes are intriguing. These pictures have a very artistic quality, as so many of your photographs do!

  2. Yet another good reason to check out Watery Wednesdays--to see some ice crackle. So far we haven't seen even a sign of it. Love your practice of zooming in on very ordinary things in nature. Well done.

  3. Icy delight...but how high is the bridge? I get vertigo y'know.

    My Wednesday Post is: BOB HALL PIER on North Padre Island

  4. very creative photos ~ glad you like my 'header' ~ it is an awesome view ~ namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) linked w/Water Wed~ enjoy the weekend ahead ^_^

  5. Wow how did you took this, it's very beautiful!

    The Beach

  6. I always enjoy your ice photos. Some of the crystals are so intricate.

  7. They are beautiful...we definately don't see this here, except perhaps in the freezer...:(
